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Ed was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Fond of drawing since he was a kid, he began attending drawing classes at an early age. At age 19/20, he won the revelation prize for best draftsman awarded by the comic book magazine “BD Skorpio”. He also won the first prize for best short-story awarded by the first young artists’ biennial festival.A few years later, he co-directed Qajas, a comic-book magazine. After several animation jobs in Los Angeles, and a few press-related stints in Madrid, he settled down in Barcelona in 2000. A city where he is currently freelancing for international magazines and papers.He published “The winners and the defeated” and “Loser” with 6 pieds sous terre. Upcoming projects: “Manu at the beach,” to be published by Mamut comics, in the category works for young readers which he is co-directing with Max Luchini.

Número de páginas : 38

Editor : Alter Comics

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